Tag: landscape design
Landscape Design
4 Landscaping Projects You Can Start Now
Spring will be here before we know it! So, if you’re tired of looking at the same old yard and dreaming of a fresh one, now is the perfect time to kick off those long-awaited landscaping projects. At The Southern Landscape Group, we’re here to help you transform your property into a beautiful oasis. Get […]
Landscape Trends
5 Popular Types of Landscape Stone
Are you looking to spruce up your outdoor space with some beautiful landscape stones? With so many options on the market, how could you possibly choose the right one? Thankfully, you’ve got The Southern Landscape Group on your side to help explain the differences between the popular types of landscape stone. With this knowledge, you […]
Why Your Garden Needs Honeybees
Honeybees are an integral part of a healthy garden. They play a vital role in pollination, which helps flowers and plants grow and thrive. Unfortunately, honeybee populations have been decreasing in recent years due to the effects of climate change and other environmental factors. If you want your garden to be as productive as possible, […]
5 Walkway Materials that Stand the Test of Time
Walkways are an important part of any home, and they should be designed with care. Not only do they need to look good, but they also need to be able to withstand the test of time. If you’re unsure which materials to use for your new walkway, don’t worry! The Southern Landscape Group highlights the […]
Seasonal Plantings
5 Fall Florals to Make Your Landscaping Pop
Who says you can’t continue to enjoy beautiful colors in your landscaping in the fall? You certainly won’t hear that from us here at The Southern Landscape Group. As the days get shorter and the weather cools, replacing your summer foliage with all the hues of fall is a great way to make your landscaping […]
Landscape Lighting
3 Benefits of Outdoor LED Lighting
The exterior of your home is something to be proud of. You’ve taken the time to plan out your landscaping and hardscapes, as well as make repairs to gutters and more. However, you can feel like your outdoors is still missing something. At The Southern Landscape Group, we help solve this problem for homeowners, and […]